Unwelcomed Gift Did you receive any unexpected gifts this Christmas that you did not appreciate? Do you have a trait you wish you didn’t possess? I did. Let me tell you my story. As an avid reader, I devour almost anything in print, except computer programing manuals. However, reading […]
Yearly Archives: 2022
Have you ever felt depleted? I have, especially during holidays. Today, I woke up drained mentally from processing all the activities of the week and preoccupation with all the tasks ahead. Maybe I needed a slower day to recover. It seems I expect more of myself than I can accomplish […]
“Sometimes the biggest prayers have the fewest words.” Tama Fortner I read this today and it resonated with me. I thought of how often I pray with few words but with a heart full of need. Elegant words or elaborate prayers are not needed to talk to God. Conversing with […]
The holidays are here; Christmas decorations displayed give us the clue. I wonder where Thanksgiving went in the stores that concentrate on Christmas. I have not feasted yet on the Thanksgiving meal. How is your soul at this season? As the holidays approach, you may have a sense of […]
“I just need someone to talk to and listen to me,” I said to myself when I was distraught. I suspect you can relate. Have you ever had a friend who is a good listener? What a valued and rare gem to have that kind of friend! Reliable, non judgmental […]
Are you going through a time of disappointment or grief? Maybe you are experiencing the loss of a loved one, a lost dream, a defeat or another kind of setback. All these can bring grief and sadness. Sorrow can both crush us under its heavy weight and consume us to […]
Have you ever thought, “I feel weak dealing with what is going on, whether it be grief or challenging circumstances?” When that happens we are in an unsettling place of not being in control. We recognize we are not as strong as we would like to be. It may bring […]
Life is full of worries, burdens, fears, difficult circumstances, troubles and heartache. Life is hard, messy, and unexpected. What do we do with our worries? I wonder if you are like me. You give your concerns to God and then promptly take them back. I share my concerns with […]
Do you ever ask why? Why did someone get cancer or a loved one die so young? Why do children suffer when it is not their fault? In our modern age of technology and medical science, I think everything should have an answer or be fixable. I am at a […]
The dismissive cliché “Time heals all wounds” can sting when quoted back to us when a loss is shared. Why do people say that? Do they think we will feel better? I get angry when I hear it. The cliché seems to minimize our hurt or grief and even can […]